Tuesday, July 31, 2012

School Year Resolutions... Promises I can keep!

From the sounds of it and what I have been reading lots of you are already headed back to school "officially" or already there! Where I am we are just beginning to see back to school adds. I am not so sure how I feel about it. Definitely excited to get my room ready to go and start planning with my team, but also hoping that after I do so I will still have a week or two to just (ahhh) unwind and spend every second with my little guy!

Tomorrow I will be in my classroom. Yes! Grammie is watching Conner so I can stay completely focused. My plan is to get all of my furniture where I want it to go and then get my bulletin boards painted. ---- On a side note, I went back and forth about paining my bulletin boards again (I have moved every year) so I went to walmart and priced the two. Sheets were $4.47 each and I would have needed 8 of them. Paint on the other hand, was $10 a gallon. So so cheap so I bought a gallon of pink and a gallon of blue and I know I won't use all of either but it was much cheaper and will also look super bright. Just thought I would let all of you know who are still contemplating.

So back to the original purpose of this post... New <School> Year Resolutions! 

This year I promise to....

#1. Call parents of my two Citizens of the Month! Rarely do I find the time to make phone calls that desperately need to be made. I always tell myself that I am going to do a better job of making those positive parent phone calls so I thought that this was a really great way to start. I would love to be the parent of a phone call like that... 

#2. Wake up at 5:30 a.m. everyday ----boooo hoooo :(  School begins at 8:40 and my goal is to wake up early aka on time so that I can get out of the house, drop Conner off and get to school my 7:00. I think that if I have over an hour and a half each morning I should be able to get out of there by 4 or 4:30. I.... MUST.... I.... MUST... I.... MUST

#3 Invite parents into the classroom. I want to work really hard to invite parents into the classroom more often this year. Parents know that they are always welcome but there is just something about being personally invited for a specific event. I want to do this at least 3 times this year, possibly for publishing parties, mystery reader or family projects. 

#4 Most importantly spend time at home with my family. I swear I am always working... I am an addict, plain and simple. I just can't help it. If we are sitting and watching a movie I must be working on something. If we are on a road trip I am typing away on the computer. No matter what I just can't quit and I know I need to get a handle on this addiction before somebody creates a teaching rehab and locks me in there!!!! Plain and simple when I come home I need to spend time with my hubs and Conner, that's all there is to it!! 

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