Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We are Rounding Stars! Freebie rounding centers, parent page and song!!

My kids are rounding stars!!

This year I decided to teach rounding a little differently. I really thought about when and how I use rounding- when I'm shopping, of course! Since we were moving I had more newspaper ads than usual so I set to work making this chart.

I told the kids that I like to get my Christmas shopping done before everyone else to avoid the crowds. I also explained that I like to make sure I was getting a deal and asked for their help in rounding these prices. Visualizing them on a # line from the very beginning helped to solidify the concept for the majority of kids. For those that didn't grasp it right away I already knew that they were lacking strength is number sense so I worked  more on that with them during our small group time. 

After our chart we did some practice in our journals. Obviously we're not going to draw a number line every time we need to round a number. After some practice kids really got it though and didn't need to draw the number line.

As another strategy I introduced the rhyme:
4 or less let it rest
5 or more raise the score
We practiced using these steps:
1. Underline the place you're rounding to
2. Circle the neighbor aka the boss
3. If it's 4 or less let our neighbor rest and I it's 5 or more up the score.
4. Everything to the right turns to 0's

I'm sure you know the schpiel, schpee??? (uh, is that even a word?) so we'll move on :P

In my homework binder I always include a page in our "help" section when we begin anything new. This helps families when they are feeling stuck at home. Here is the help page I used for rounding:

You can grab yours by clicking the picture!

I've explained my math block before. You can check it out here.

After a few whole group lessons we started some rounding centers while strengthening our skills in small groups. We have been playing roll n' round, spin n' round and pumpkin round! I promise I'm not trying to brag, but the kids are so engaged and independent during this time that you could literally hear a pin drop! These centers are in my TpT store for the price of FREE. All I ask is that you pretty please leave your feedback!! Click the picture below to download yours. 

And I have one last thing for you! This is really just for funzies and keeping em engaged. I have a lot of fun rewriting familiar songs to the tune of learning. This time I decided to go with "Rounding Stars" to the tune of Counting Stars by One Republic. Whatever gets them pumped for learning right?!?! Enjoy!

Click the picture for your copy. 


  1. Awesome post! I need to show this to the 3rd grade teachers at my school! Hope you're doing well my friend!

    1. Sarah, we are going to have to get together over Christmas break!!!!
