Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!

Well how the heck have you all been!!?? For Pete's sake I have not been blogging in FOR-EV-ER!! I don't really have an excuse I am just lazy as ever.

I think offering freebies is always always always a super awesome reason to blog though. I appreciate all of you SO much! I mean like whole tons of bunches! My 3rd grade team and I say multiple times a week how much we love TPT and Pinterest. The ideas we get and share have truly made this our best year of teaching yet and we could not be more thankful.

Because I am so thankful for all you have shared with me I am going to offer up several of the items in my store for FREE until the sale begins on Tuesday! I know, crazy but I just love you guys!

This is YOUR week so enjoy each day! I hope you feel beyond appreciated!

Click each picture and it will take you to my TPT where you can download each for free. The regular prices range between $4-$5!